Bout of Books 13

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 11th and runs through Sunday, May 17th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 13 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

Actually, the problem at the moment is not lack of reading, rather lack of blogging about what I’ve read, but even so I am jumping on the bandwagon. I’ve participated once before, in Bout of Books 9, January 2014. I’m not sure that I’ll actually set any goals this time, I tend not to stick to them anyway, but I’ll try to get in at least a couple of overdue blog posts and quite a bit of reading.

Bout of Books 9.0: Progress


Monday stats: 

Books finished: The Twistrose Key  by Tone Almhjell
Number of pages read: 283 (The Twistrose Key)
Total number of pages read: 283
Total number of books finished: 1
Total number of books blogged about: 0

Tuesday stats: 

Books finished: Storspring by Lars Ove Seljestad and Low Moon og andre historier by Jason
Number of pages read: 216 (Jason) + 66 (Storspring) + 17 (Matilda aloud) + 86 (The Thrift Book) = 385
Total number of pages read: 668
Total number of books finished: 3
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Wednesday stats: 

Books finished: The Thrift Book by India Knight
Number of pages read: 127 (TTB) + 25 (Matilda aloud) + 57 (Vårofferet) =209 (Boo)
Total number of pages read: 877
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1 (need to get on with it!)

Thursday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 14 (Matilda aloud) + 41 (Nemi) + 49 (Pondus) = 104
Total number of pages read: 981
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 1

Friday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 89 (I’m beginning to realise the 250 average is unrealistic…)
Total number of pages read: 1070
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Saturday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 82
Total number of pages read: 1152
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Sunday stats: 

Books finished: 0
Number of pages read: 117
Total number of pages read: 1269
Total number of books finished: 4
Total number of books blogged about: 2

Bout of books challenge: Imaginary shopping spree

Bout of Books Read-a-thon 1/6 -1/12

This challenge comes from Bookish Comforts and the idea is to fill your basket at The Book Depository as if you had $100 to shop for. Not the hardest of tasks. I started with a few titles I’ve mentally noted as «will look for in London» and then added more from my Pinterest board «Books I like the look of» which I use as a reminder board for books I read about on other blogs, mostly.

spree3Tell the Wolves I’m Home has been widely mentioned as a favourite from last year by some of my favourite Swedish bookbloggers. Goodbye for Now sounds intriguing and Whisky from Small Glasses? Well, it’s a whisky book. Gotta have it.

spree2Little Brother because I’ve been meaning to read something by Cory Doctorow for a long time. A Little House Traveler because Laura Ingalls Wilder’s writing is pretty wonderful. Wolven because it sounds like fun.

spree1The Wolves in the Walls showed up when I searched for Tell the Wolves I’m Home and is Gaiman, so that was added on impulse. Here, There be Dragons I meant to save until the series was complete, but whatever. This is Where I Leave You… Well, I’ve been meaning to read Tropper and this one is being made into a film to be released this year, I think, so it fits with one of the points in the Kaosutfording.

spree4And finally We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves because Doctorow reccommended it on Twitter and it sounds readable. That is my only preorder. And the total comes to just under $100. I think I did good.

Bout of Books 9.0: Goals

BoB9.0-200x200Edit: I have a cold that won’t go away (I’ve basically been on-and-off sick for about a month) and my doctor has instructed me to spend the week in bed (well, on the couch, under a duvet), so I’m suddenly facing a lot more potential reading time than I would if I had to show up at work every day. Hence I’m upping my goals a bit, to actually challenge myself.

Time Devoted to Reading

I will be reading every day, aiming for an average of at least 100  250 pages a day.

My Goals

I’d like to finish and blog about at least four eight books, one two of which will be children’s books, to get the reading year of 2014 off to a flying start.

Books to Read


  • The Twistrose Key by Tone Almhjell (started)
  • Himmelbjørnens skog + Som steinen skinner by Britt Karin Larsen (started the first one)
  • Vårofferet by Lars Mytting
  • The Thrift Book by India Knight


  • Rydde ut by Helene Uri
  • The Story of Forgetting by Stephan Merrill Block
  • En kvinnes ferd gjennom India by Elisabeth Meyer

(I’ll add to this list.)

(I’ve used the goal post template on the help page.)