More for Mount TRB

Joanna at och dagarna går… has read a novel by Elif Shafak called Bastarden från Istanbul in Swedish. It sounds like just the thing. A quick search shows it as being originally written in English (The Bastard of Istanbul), though Shafak writes in Turkish as well, so I guess I’ll have a look for it (or her other books) in Scotland.

Bookwitch mentions an author I’ve never come across, called Lisa Tetzner, who apparently wrote a series of children’s books about siblings who emigrated to the States in the run-up to WW2. Sounds like something I’d want to look into, so here’s a note to self: Look into it.

Finally, for now, Lena of Les mye has read Honningtunger by Helene Uri, and now I want to read it too. Perhaps I ought to start with De beste blant oss, as I already have that, and have been meaning to read it for a couple of years…

Edit: I have to add Gå sönder, gå hel bySofia Nordin after what enligt O writes about it, though I guess I’d have to time the reading of it if it’s as disturbing as she says.