Bout of Books 18: Day 2 stats

Bout of Books 18

I read 90 pages in (/the rest of) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and got started on Order of the Phoenix with 69 pages. I also read 15 (ebook) pages of Sweet Masterpiece by Connie Shelton. So all in all 174 pages (if you count the ebook pages as normal pages, which for the sake of my sanity I am going to do, if not I’d have to find some way to convert them).

And since I finished a book I got to fill inn the first line of my stats tracker:

Cool, eh? Ok, I may be a little over-enthusiastic about this.

And as actually using the Bujo is one of my goals for 2017 I could use the picture I shared on Instagram yesterday as my challenge entry, too.