Seen at the hotel next to the Dublin Wheel were we had coffee. I want one. Anyone know where I can get one?
It should come as no surprise that I like reading. And books. And any art that involves either is immediately interesting to me.
For the hobby-/guestroom we had planned to get a Hemnes daybed from IKEA, furbish it with proper mattresses and quite a few pillows and a good reading light, so as to cater for guests (hence the essential “good mattress”) and reading (pillows and lamp, though the essentialness is a bit overlapping, obviously). The nice people of IKEA decided to have a 30 % sale on Hemnes this week, so we now have one Hemnes flatpacked on the floor, waiting for this weekend when we plan to move the lass into her new room, thus freeing up the space in the would-be guestroom.
Over the daybed, I’m planning to frame reading related “things”. I have som old (well, late 90’ies) ads from Waterstone’s (that I just LOVE), and I have one or two prints purchased off Etsy. I would like some more of the latter, though, so today I’ve been browsing, and tomorrow, once I’ve had time to consider which ones I really like the most, I’ll be putting in a few orders.
Here are some of the ones that immediately appealed to me:
“The reader” by Majalin
“Girl reading” by Belafonte (Emma Leonard)
“The boy who liked to read” by TheExtentofSilence
“One Story More” by trafalgarsquare
“Books can take you anywhere” by TheLittleFox
“Reading is rad”/”Girl in green socks” by Artisjustfrozenmusic ( Carla Thursday)
Since it’s expected that the lass will use the space as well as us “grown ups”, I quite like the idea of mixing the styles a bit, rather than sticking to a more coherent collection. Since they have a common theme, I think they’ll work together anyway.
Have you seen any reading-themed illustrations lately? Please let me know in the comments, I’d love to get some tips for more candidates.
…for nå har jeg shoppet selv. Bilder kommer.
CI Pedersen har tilbud på Mummi-krus og asjetter:
Siden normalpris ellers er 199,- for krus (OBS! har som regel standardutgavene til 149,-) og 299,- for dype asjetter må man jo kalle det knalltilbud. Dere trøndere som samler, eller trenger julegave til noen som samler, er herved tipset.
So the bed is in the master bedroom, we’ve been sleeping in there since this weekend, in fact. We’ve also put up a couple of shelves on either side of the window, to hold some of my stuff (it’s mostly my stuff), and we’re considering what to do in front of the window where there is room for more storage – or something.
Along the wall at the foot of the bed we’d sort of hoped we could fit narrow bookshelves, but I’ve nixed the idea as it would then be impossible to walk along there and I’m tired of climbing over half the bed to get in.
So the plan just now is plenty of hooks and other things to hang things on. Practical, right? Well, practical can be combined with decorative, so I’m going to insist we put a little effort into finding attractive hooks. I’d like a nice variety over the length of the space, actually, preferably at different heights, too, to make it look a little interesting. Come to think of it, there will be room for pictures and other wall decorations over the hooks, too, we have a few things we need to find room for, so this is a good thing.
So far I’ve put one thing up, this hook that I purchased last year at a Christmas market:
Isn’t it just perfect? It’s designed by Lillian Tørlen, and I’ve found her designs – apropriately called Hanging About – on the web before. Doing a quick search now I see she’s moved to selling through Epla, “the Norwegian Etsy”, and her shop is also called Hanging About.
As you can see, it’s the perfect place to hang some of my small bags:
Making a mental note to try to make it to the Christmas market in question this year as well, I could always shop through Epla, but it’s more fun in person – if she’s there, that is.
Edited: It suddenly occurred to me to check the tag, and of course there is a Hanging About website: www.hanging-about.com. There’s even a list of shops that stock them, and there’s one in Trondheim, juhu.
Since we can’t really do a lot until we’ve actually taken over the flat – in less than two weeks’ time! – I’ve been browsing blogs that have an element of interior design. I now have quite a few in a new folder in Google Reader, and on one of them, Trippel, I just found this image:
Trippel, in turn found it at Emmas designblogg, who used it to illustrate how excellent work of Lotta Agaton is. I am not going to quarrel with the styling, which I find impeccable, but my main interest in the picture is how a very striking set of shelves is constructed from a pile of crates. The husband keeps bringing home these lovely crates from work which have been used to ship wine bottles, and we have actually used them for shelving before, but in a much more straightforward, boring way. This idea needs to be mulled over.
Other blogs recently added to the “interior design” folder:
Most in Scandinavian (that is, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish), I’m afraid. Have a wee browse even if you don’t read those languages, they are all brimming with gorgeousness in the form of pictures – which, after all, is much of the point in seeking interior design inspiration.
Stoved away in the basement, now residing, newly scrubbed, in our kitchen cupboards. Three Cathrineholm pots with the lotus pattern – also one pan with yellow lotuses and a coffee pot in the same style but with stripes. Must find out more about these. Oh, there’s a Flickr group!