Of the digital scrapbooking kind, this time. I really need to get the layouts for 2008 DONE as the grandparents seem to expect a follow-up to last year’s photo book. These literature fans are hopeless, you know, you release one book they like and they are on to you like veritable hounds. Really.
Anyway, to get me going (and boy do I need to get going) I’ve been looking up some challenges, and the first one completed is from Weeds & Wildflowers (specifically, this blog challenge). Since they happen to be one of my favourite design teams (the other one being Catscrap) finding products to use was not a big problem.

– template from Weeds and Wildflowers template challenge 11-17
– Papers Weeds & Wildflowers, Gina Marie Huff, Being Me kit, the blue is the green paper recoloured
– green letters from Weeds & Wildflowers Gina Marie Huff, Being Me kit
– & from CatScrap Cathrine’s Traces of Print
– cardboard stars and paint from Weeds & Wildflowers GMH Super Stars set
– stitches from Weeds & Wildflowers GMH Believing in You Kit
Oh, and I know it’s from 2007, but since last year’s books were printed in early December, the last few weeks of 2007 have to be included in the 2008-book.
Now, if I can just persuade the administrator of the W&W forums/gallery that I am not a spambot so that I can get the layout posted, I might just win myself some more goodies. You never know. And at least I got one layout done. (One done, a trillion or so to go.)