So, it’s Monday, is it?

Whatever, my monday mission:

1. Now that the weather (in America, that is) is getting nice and warm, what have you been looking forward to doing the most?
The weather is nice and warm here, too. In fact, it’s almost too nice and warm. What have I been looking forward to? Barbeques. Someone please invite me for one?

2. On Easter, I had to run around all day visiting family. It turned what was supposed to be a special day and turned me into one big stress-ball. Do you enjoy spending time with your family (parents, siblings, etc.) or do you prefer to see them now and then?
My parents and brother, yes. The rest of the lot, I can contain my enthusiasm. It’s nice to see them, but not for too long in one go…

3. Did your parents play along with the whole “Easter Bunny” legend? Did you eventually figure it out or did someone tell you? How did that make you feel?
It’s not something we do (or did) in Norway. They probably wouldn’t have anyway, they never played along with the Santa Claus thing.

4. This isn’t necessarily a religious question (although it certainly can be if you’d like), but what does “Easter” mean to you personally?
Time off. Very secular. But then I do also believe in the whole “Died on the cross for our sins” and “And on the third day…” schebang, so, not so secular after all…

5. When I was a kid, we didn’t have plastic Easter Eggs (except for those that came with Mom’s L’eggs pantyhose), so we always hid real eggs. One Easter I remember I threw away a broken egg in my bedroom trash can and it took me weeks before I realized why my room smelled like something died in there. Do you have any funny or memorable Easter stories?
No. I still have the egg (plastic) I got for my fifth birthday, though. It was kept and refilled every Easter until I moved away from home. Now, unfortunately, I have to fill it myself if I want something in it.

6. I currently watch way, way too many TV shows. In fact, I feel some relief that some are being cancelled or are ending because I just can’t give any of them up. Is there anything you do too much of and just can’t stop?
Eat chocolate. Drink coffee. Procrastinate.

7. Long ago, I took a leadership seminar. At one point the leader gave his philosphy on life: the three things that matter most in life are “your family, your religion and your job, and what they mean to you.” Would you agree? What are the three things that matter most in life?
I agree, sort of. The only qualification I’d add is change it to “Family and friends”. Oh, and books. Books are important. I suppose you could call it “Art” rather than books, but it’s important.