Lazy Monday

I’ve found a way to beat my parents at Trivial Pursuit: Play the US edition and get this question for the green (Sports and Leisure) pie: What sport has games that may last three days and has breaks for tea? Just playing the US edition seems to work quite well, as they have problems understanding the questions, it’s something about the way they are phrased, but I need to get the green pie to win and, let me tell you, “Jo DiMaggio” is not actually the correct answer to all the baseball questions.

Aside: I’m more nearly convinced that I might be in love when he’s not around. Is that good or bad? I certainly seem to spend an disproportional amount of time thinking about him. So if you’ve seen me over Easter and I’ve seemed to be largely absent, that is why. Nevermind. Back to the here and now:

Jane and I are in the middle of watching Bridget Jones. We went for a walk last night and somehow ended up in The Churchill, so by the time we got back our plans for seeing the film were a bit hampered by the amount of alchohol consumed combined with the fact that, as mentioned earlier, we’ve both been exhausted by ten every night and it was now closer to midnight. So. We’ll have to try to see the rest today. Mr. Darcy was just gearing up to be dishy (no pun intended) in the kitchen helping with the blue soup, and we don’t want to miss that.

Prior to that, though, we are planning to get some fresh polluted air. The weather is still amazing (it was still 18 degrees out when we went out after eight yesterday evening, it looks like we’ll have the same sort of temperatures today), there is a possibility that this is the Norwegian summer this year (I’ve known summer to come in May and stay for two weeks and then degenerate into something resembling autumn for the rest of June, July and August, but April is quite extreme, even for Norway) so it’s best to enjoy it while it lasts. Besides, it’s back to work tomorrow. So we’re going to attempt to get a bus up to where the Akerselva starts at Maridalsvannet and walk along the river for as far as we can be bothered. It should be quite good.

Voice in my head: I woke up with Ainsley singing Don’t Get Me Wrong in my head, and he hasn’t stopped yet, despite VH1 being on in the background.