Waking up

… to “All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon” – is it Mel something, I wonder? – on the radio, which seemed oddly appropriate for once.

The Friday Five invites us to tell all this week:

1. When was the last time you cheated?
Dearie me. Well, actually I spent a lot of time looking up answers on google yesterday while doing a “test yourself and win” thing at digi.no, but as there’s no time limit, maybe they expect you to do just that? Still feels like cheating to some degree, though.

2. When was the last time you stole?
Ah. Now. That’ll have been a glass in a pub. Or three glasses. In a pub in London. And I’m not going to tell you which one, it might get back to them and then they’d ban me and I want to go back.

3. When was the last time you lied?
Walking through “Nothing to declare” on Sunday.

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another’s property?
I’ve never intentionally vandalized anyone’s property, I don’t think, but broke? Hm. Unintentionally, right? I really can’t remember.

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one?
I don’t think I do very often, actually – not that I know of anyway – could be because there is such a small circle of “loved ones” that keeping tabs on them (or at least on what makes them happy) is pretty easy. I am constantly hurting my grandparents by not coming to visit often enough, but as “often enough” would really mean moving in next door, this is rather unavoidable.

Voices in my head: Kathrina and the Waves – Walking on Sunshine (and there is no sun, for once, hurrah!)