Surfing, is it?

This or that?

1. Surf sites at random, or have a set list of regular reads?
Both, I have a (fairly short) list of regular reads and in addition I normally spend some time each week popping in to random sites – sometimes I find something worth returning to, but most of the time it’s just for the variety of the thing.

2. Do you visit mostly blogs, or news or other sites?
All three – I visit a couple of blogs almost every day, I try to check at least one online newspaper every day and in addition I use the net for information gathering of all sorts (when’s the first bus to …, where was that restaurant again, which year was Yeats born and so on).

3. Do you go online every day, or just a couple of days a week?
Pretty much every day, unless I’m somewhere with little access to computers.

4. Do you allow comments on your blog, or not?
Of course I allow comments! I love comments! If you want to make me happy, leave me comments!

5. Do you shop online at all, or at regular stores?
I do a little shopping online, but only when I know specifically what I want or when it’s not available locally. I like going in to shops and actually handling things before I buy them.

6. Have you ever done online bill-paying/banking, or not?
I pay all my bills online now – why would I do anything else?

7. Which news site do you prefer… or Or do you prefer some other one?
None of the above, certainly. I tend to use Nettavisen and other Norwegian papers, and occasionally the BBC.

8. Live chat rooms, or message boards?
Neither much, but I’m at least registered at a few message boards.

9. Instant messaging or e-mail?
I prefer e-mail, partly because I have a slow and cost-per-minute connection at home and that’s where I try to do most of my private messaging/e-mail.

10. Yes or no: have you ever met, or at least talked on the phone with, another blogger? If not, would you want to? Why or why not?
There are a few I’d like to meet, yes. I’ve met at least one, but that was before I had begun blogging myself – we had met via the internet, though.