
The Friday Five goes all mushy, too, this week. What’s with all the mushyness? I feel an attack of cynicsm coming on.

1. How many times have you truly been in love?
Zip. Zero. Zilch. (I have believed myself to be, obviously.)

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
Uhm. See 1.

3. What qualities should a significant other have?
(In order of importance, roughly, though order is probably irrelevant as I’m not really interested unless he has all of these:) A sense of humor, which means, most importantly, the ability to laugh at oneself. Intelligence. Honesty. Curiosity. An interesting library (is that a quality, I wonder?). Imagination. Empathy. Maturity, including the maturity to not be “grown-up” all the time. A sense of adventure. Self-confidence.

4. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Well, how would I know? I never speak to people “afterwards”. No one’s jumped off a bridge on my account, yet. Not that I’ve heard of, anyway.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
It’s hard to find.