
This or that?

1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner?
I haven’t got a recliner, and I don’t particularly want one. Not because they are not comfy but because they are mostly huge and ugly. Does that answer your question? No. I didn’t think so.

2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers?
Barefoot. The floor needs to be reasonably warm, though, naturally.

3. Eating ice cream, or pizza?
Pizza. Not too fond of ice cream, somehow.

4. Watching on TV…a classic movie or a reality show?
D’oh. I hate reality tv! Ok, with the exception of Fame Factory, so maybe I shouldn’t be so admant? Anyhoo: a classic movie.

5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants?
Comforting? Sweat pants.

6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower?
For comfort, a bath.

7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side?
Leather’s good.

8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll?
Uh. For comfort? Neither.

9. Darkness or light?

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. S/he moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don’t want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair s/he has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow?
Grin and bear it. Wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice, I’m not that bothered about interior decoration. Comfort will win over style any day, and if SO likes it, why shouldn’t he have it? Come to think of it, if it’s really that comfy he might not get to sit in it much, as I might just appropriate it…