Gadgets Galore

I almost bought an iPod yesterday. Not as in I went to the shop and looked at an iPod and had my wallet out and then changed my mind (I sort of did that Friday, looking at Apple’s web-shop). As in I read a couple of reviews of various MP3 players and realised there was a good alternative at a lower price overall and a much lower price considering the capacity. So I went to the shop just to have a look at that and had my wallet out, all of a sudden and now I am the proud (not to say extatic) owner of a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen, of 20Gb capacity.

Needless to say, all I seem to be able to think about is ripping CDs in order to get them onto the CreNJuZ (I need a shorter name for it, that seems as good as any, and nice and cryptic, too). I tested it yesterday walking home from town at 1am and it plays beautifully (though I might have to agree with the reviewers and get another set of headphones – not because of the quality, but because I don’t like the way the bundled ones sit on my head). I also ripped all of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, so now I can carry that everywhere. I need to get hold of the other four books as CDs as well… Uhm. This could turn out to be expensive. But just think: Portable audio book library! No more fussing about with tapes and batteries (just remember to recharge). And all my favourite music readily accessible at any one time. No more vain attempts to predict which CDs I might get an uncontrollable urge to listen to when going away for the weekend. Yay.

Right. Back to ripping CDs.

Voice in my head: Sophie Ellis Bextor – Music Gets the Best of Me