
Today Linda and I have been blown about in Arvika. It was just incredibly windy. Apparently, some houses up by Torsby lost their roofs. And I still suspect I’m on the verge of a cold or something, after the walk in the wind my throat hurt (some Strongbow has temporarily fixed that).

Last night we went to “Restaurangen” and enjoyed some capital blues. Funnily, a local band, The Back Wood Band (which is a really cool name, I just hope the pun is intended…) played a sort of warm-up to some band from Texas, but the local band was just WAY better. They had proper drive and a beat that made it impossible not to tap your foot and let your shoulders and hips and whatever else was movable follow the rhythm. The Texans on the other hand, were, you know, simply boring. They didn’t play badly at all, there was just not much spirit it it. So, if you’re near Arvika or The Back Wood Band come to a place near you, go see (listen). If you’re in Texas… no, lets not go there.

Oh, and on the train over here I got that trigger working. Yay me.

Voice in my head: Bjørn Eidsvåg – Skyfri Himmel