Happy Tuesday, indeed

Watch yourself with the questions

1. Tag or hide & go seek?

2. Hopscotch or wiffle-ball?

3. Chutes & Ladders or Candyland?
Dunno. What’s Candyland?

4. Chess or checkers?
Chess (I’m terrible at it, though).

5. Parcheesi or backgammon?

6. Twister or Yahtzee?
I love Yahtzee, but Twister looks like fun (I’ve never tried it).

7. Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble?
Trivial Pursuit, without a doubt.

8. Monopoly or The Game of Life?
Game of what? Monopoly is good, though longwinded.

9. Go Fish or Gin Rummy?
Haven’t a clue.

10. Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: You have a young child (or just babysit one), who is about 6-7 years old, and you like to play various games with him/her. Do you: let the child win sometimes to help improve his/her self-esteem, or play normally, in order to teach the child that we can’t always win in life?
I might let the child win if it were possible to do so without being detected (children are not stupid) – I’m too competitive to do so happily, though. More likely I’d try to pick games that were more a matter of chance, making it likely that the child would win in any case.