False alarm, I think

My apologies for having gotten you all excited (to those of you that were). I doubt there’s anything more than friendship in it, after all. I seem to have come to my senses somewhat before getting myself into a “what the hell was I thinking” situation for a change. Not that new friends aren’t a source of excitement, because they are. But, you know, don’t wait for the invitations for my wedding just yet.

Just as well, really. What with my schedule (exhibit A: I was at work from 8 am to 8 pm today) at the moment, the last thing I need is a boyfriend. Yes, ok, so it would be kinda nice to have one at my beck and call, one I could phone up when I felt like it (“Hi, come over please, I need a hug.” or “I’d quite like company for dinner today. Oh, you’ll cook? Great!”), but wouldn’t expect anything in return, but that’s a bit one-sided and hardly the sort of relationship I’m looking for.

Which is another proof that I’m not as interested as I wish I were. Surely, if I were falling in love, thoughts like “Oh, lord, he’d expect me to spend time with him” would not occur to me?

Or am I so worried about talking myself into something I don’t really feel (something I am very good at) that I am now talking myself out of something I do really feel?

I dunno. Time will tell.

On a lighter note: My neighbour’s rather dishy.

Voice in my head: Prefab Sprout – Cruel