Why do fools

I was asked: “Well, what do you like about him, then?” and I was puzzled for an answer. I did say, quite candidly, that at the moment I’m not sure whether there is anything I like about him, or whether it is simply a case of “there is nothing that I don’t like about him”, which is not the same thing at all. It might be mostly a case of “He’s there, and he’s available.” There is a reason why I am proceeding with caution here, you know.

On the other hand, I am not quite that cynical, or that desperate. There are specific things I like, of course, why would I want to be friends if there weren’t? I like his sense of humour. I like the way he talks, the way he argues a point, the way we agree on a lot of things but not everything. I like what I know about his taste in books and film and other stuff so far, and I’d like to know more. I like the way he tells a story. I like… Uhm. I can think of a few more things I like, but they’re hardly anonymous, so I’ll leave it at that for the time being.

So far, you’d agree, friendship is really all there is to it.

However, I also like his eyes. And I like his general shape. And obviously: looks matter, not in the “tall, dark and handsome” sense, but in the “he looks just right” sense, which is way more individual. I want to find out how it feels to have his arm around my shoulders while watching a movie. I want to try slow-dancing with him. In fact, the thought makes me go all gooey.

I like the way he seems to like me, an attractive feature in any guy who isn’t otherwise totally repulsive (though not enough on its own, obviously, or I’d have been married years ago).

Most of all, right now, I like the way I seem to have gone into a schoolgirl crush. I’d forgotten how thrilling it could be. The way an unexpected glimpse of him from the bus the other day sent my heart skipping. The way I feel like giggling every time he looks at me. I think I’ll just enjoy this for a while.