
I’ve lost my filofax. I might have forgotten it somewhere, or mislaid it at home (it’s not something I normally leave anywhere that isn’t in sight, though – table, yes, desk, yes, chair or sofa, yes, but it’s none of those places and since I just tidied the other day for Linda’s visit, there aren’t the usual papers lying about for the purpose of hiding stuff). The last time I know I had it was at The Dubliner when I was about to put it in my bag as we were leaving, thinking “Mustn’t forget that”. Question is: Did I actually put it in the bag, or didn’t I? Must stop by The Dubliner to find out. The other possibility is that some sneaky person stuck their hand in my bag on the bus and extracted it in the hope that it would contain money. It didn’t.

I will try to refrain from thinking evil thoughts about my fellow men until I have had a chance to check whether I did indeed get distracted and leave the stupid thing on the table at The Dubliner. Also need to do a fresh check at home. Could it have fallen behind the sofa, I wonder?

Voice in my head: Fantine – I Dreamed a Dream