The Friday Five

1. What is your favorite scary movie?
I don’t really like scary movies, actually. Can I go with “The Nightmare Before Christmas”? I thought not. How about “The Silence of the Lambs”? That was pretty good. And pretty scary.

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Well, we don’t really do Halloween in Norway, so I have very little point of reference here. What is a Halloween treat, specifically? Will I ever have had it? I can only think of pumpkin pie, and I’ve never had that.

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.
As I said, we don’t really do Halloween. My best costume ever was the Robin Hood costume I had on my birthday when I was ten or so – I had a costume party, obviously, I don’t normally dress up as Robin Hood just for the fun of it.

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
Not really, no. I used to be scared of the dark as a kid. Still am, to some extent, and my imagination doesn’t need any help in coming up with scary stuff. Which is also whay I avoid scary movies.

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?
See 2&3. If I were in the States or if I were invited to a costume party, I would jump at the chance, though. I love dressing up.