
Apparently the library has Have his Carcase in a large print edition. Right now I don’t care what sort of edition it is. Sure, I’ll pretend to be hard of sight in order to get to read the book NOW.

Me obsessive? Never!

I’ve realised there might be third option to the coughing/doctor’s appointment scenario: I might choke. Could someone please notify the doctor if I do (to unbook the appointment, I mean, I wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone).

Tonight is the focus-group discussion thingy. I’m to help give my opinion on the possibility of a bookclub that offers “textbooks” (like teach yourself Java and similar, I imagine, though I guess I’ll find out). As I’m disposed to be in favour of any bookclub whatsoever in general, I might or might not be a good person to ask questions on the matter. However, I get a voucher to buy books for as a thank you for participating, so who am I to complain? There was also something quite hopeful about food in the letter. Food is good.

Music in my head: Singing in the Rain (guess the weather…)