I had a bit of time this morning while the lass was playing happily on her own, so I tore down some panelling along the wall running from the kitchen to the living room. We’re planning to put up the “magic” wall-smoothening wallpaper here, and paint it white, before hiding the whole thing with shallow bookshelves. I wonder, of course, whether we shoud dispense with the wallpaper and the paint and just put the shelves up, but figure we might as well do the job properly.

Also, note the use of floorboards to construct the wall. Interesting choice. Considering the price of floorboards vs. mdf I know what I’d have chosen, but whatever.

While we’re at it we should probably substitute those glass inserts with something else. Like, I dunno, wall? That seems slightly complicated, though. It’d be easy, of course, to just slot some pieces of mdf or something in over the glass and paper over that. It would look ok from the living room side, but probably quite nutty from the bedroom. On the other hand, who cares what it looks like from the bedroom?
I’ll think about it.
The floor boards were probably left-overs anyway, so why pay for mdf? (We have two packets of “birch” floor in the basement. May come in handy one day, come to think of it we (well, *I*, I doubt you’d get much recognition from The Man if you ask him about this) plan to do something about the toilet soon, maybe we can put the floorboards up to lower the ceiling?)
As for the window, what’s the bedroom side like? I’d remove the window, fill the gap with glava and put mdf on both sides. In my interior style that requires the possibility to paint or put wall paper on the bedroom side too, though. Or a huge picture (huge since it seems to be high up so a small one will look weird).
I agree, the flooring was probably leftovers. It’s the same on the bedroom side, though I painted over that. With hindsight we should have started doing something about those windows while we were working on the bedroom, but then the windows are above the wardrobes on that side of the wall, and therefore hardly visible, so we might just leave it for now. I’m going to check whether the glass can be removed easily, though, in which case we will and make it look good on the living area side and worry about the bedroom later.