White Christmas?

It’s snowing again. It seems to have been snowing more or less constantly since last week, which is probably just an illusion. However, it is most definitely snowing now and the ground has most definitely been white for over a week, so I think we can assume this is… well… winter. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this. To a certain extent it bugs me. I like being able to walk in the streets without getting slush in my shoes and slipping and sliding all over the place, on the other hand there is no denying white snow (and except for in the streets, the snow is white) is rather pretty. And it would be nice to have a white Christmas for once – they’ve been quite scarce in recent years.

However, there is the slushy slipping and sliding part.

Mind you, what is likely to happen is that it will continue to snow prettily for another four weeks or so, and just before Christmas, 23rd December, say, there will be an almighty thaw and all the snow will disappear. Then it will reappear again on January 2nd, just a little late for New Year’s, and stick around until early May.

Bah humbug.

3 thoughts to “White Christmas?”

  1. Not really – I have a pair of skis (cross country), but hardly ever actually use them (as in: not even once a year). Plenty of other people do, though, and they’re bound to be thrilled by all this.

  2. You could ski downhill to the tram stop!

    Winter has found my neck of the woods, too, although not with snow, just frost. Which is not nice when you need to scrape the windows of the car in the morning and you had to return the funky new gloves you bought because they really were a size too small (and they didn’t have the right size, either). Must get more hand cream. And get new gloves from different shop.

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