
There’s a hole where the kitchen used to be!

We spent yesterday tearing down the old kitchen units and stuffing the car with woody bits and this morning we dumped it all at the city dump (or, rather, the city recycling station – they make you sort your junk into “treatable” heaps, wood in one skip, metal in another and so on – this is obviously a good thing, though, don’t get me wrong). Well, when I say “we”… Martin, in fact, did most of the actual tearing down whereas I mostly watched and made vaguely helpful noises. I carried the bits and pieces out into the stairwell as Martin got them loose, but that’s about the sum total of my contribution. I mean, when you have a man about the house, you’ve got to use him for this sort of thing, right?

In fact, I would rather have liked to help more, however, that sneaking suspicion I had last week of another cold coming was quite correct. This time it is as much of a cough as a cold in the head, but it nevertheless means I’m pretty useless at anything involving physical activity. I carried some stuff we’ve been storing in the old kitchen units (a couple of old macs, amongst other things) down to the basement while Martin got the car and after four or so trips down there (or, more to the point, back up the stairs again) I was flat out on the couch feeling completely knocked out after a bout of coughing that would have impressed the most dedicated of life-long smokers.

Well, anyway, here’s to hoping the plumber turns up this week as promised so that when the new units arrive after our holiday (off for a week starting this weekend) we will actually be able to fit them fairly promptly (as we have no storage space whatsoever, this is quite essential).

Voices in my head: Abba – Super Trouper