Wile E. viruses

This morning I got a virus mail at work – the first I can remember receiving at that address. The apparent sender is “abuse@gov.us” and the subject is “Illegal Website” which makes one curious enough (though wary) to read the message:

You have visited illegal websites. I have a big list of the websites you surfed.

The attachment, of course, is not a list but a virus (removed, it must be said, in case you were getting worried here, by the virus scan). Although there are several obvious signs that people ought to pick up on (gov.us? two-line e-mail? wouldn’t a four-page writ be more likely if it was a legit message?), this is definitely in the top-five wiley virus messages list.

5 thoughts to “Wile E. viruses”

  1. OK, I have just recieved it as well and iI am pissed. I would like to know if there is some way of tracing the email and stopping this. I have recieved it three times now and never opened it. I would like to stop this person and I don’t know how they recieved my email address and I would like to see if there is anything I can do to stop this from continuing at this address.

  2. It’s just a virus mail. Ignore it. Some day virus writers and spammers will be fed to pigs.

  3. Wow. Still going around. I just got this today at my office email. They don’t have a sophisticated firewall/virus protection like the large corporations. I figured it was a virus, but I searched google and came up with the comments on your website. Very helpful! Thanks!

  4. I’ve recieved the same e-mail message twice so far. However, I keep deleting this mail per you advice. I think it is not more than a junk mail.

  5. i received the message too and i really panicked. and i replied back asking for virus free message

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