A blogger meme?

Melissa is trying to avoid rational thought. This is something I can fully sympatise with and so I’m showing my support by doing her “silly meme“:

The blogger you’d trust with your life:
None, unless I’m allowed to repeat myself.

The blogger you can trust with your deepest, darkest secrets:
Definitely none. I don’t trust anyone with my deepest darkest secrets. Actually, I’m not sure I have any deepest, darkest secrets, but if I did I wouldn’t trust anyone with them.

The blogger who makes you laugh the most:

The blogger who makes you think the most:
Sarah Hatter

The blogger you’d like to live near to:

The blogger you’d like to have as a roommate:
Uhm. Mmmm. Well. Isn’t that obvious?

The blogger you’d like to go to Disneyland (or Six Flags) with:
Indiana Jane

The blogger on your blogroll who is most similar to you. How?
Tough one. Most of the bloggers on my blogroll are similar to me in some aspects at least. The reason they are there – hence the reason I read them – is that they frequently succeed at expressing something that I myself have felt or experienced but have failed to put words to. I think this happens most frequently with Vaughan, actually, though in many ways we are totally dissimilar as well.

The blogger on your blogroll who is most different than you. How?
Oh, I don’t know. Susan, maybe? How? Well, how should I know?

Lastly, pick five bloggers you’d like to have a slumber party/party/bar night with. What would you do?
Right, dream party, is it? Donna, Anja, Anetten, Meg and obviously Melissa. We’d chatter, that’s what. And probably bitch a fair bit. I’d enjoy myself, anyway. I don’t know about the rest of them, but this is my party and I’ll invite whoever I like.

5 thoughts to “A blogger meme?”

  1. We should do both! Too bad November is a bad time for those, or you could catch three birds with one stone. Disneyland and Six Flags is a bit far apart to combine, too, but how about Six Flags and Efteling?
    And I would *understand* if you’d rather go to Disneyland with Martin. No really, I would.

  2. Oh, yes, we could. And Martin and P could go off and have a cigar at the end of the day, and we’ll just do research to find the perfect chocolate or something.

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