Oh, for %?#s sake

This is one of those days. I’m feeling a lot less shitty after a somewhat longer night of sleep than before, but I’m still tired.

And’ I’ve done absolutely nothing today. At least, that’s what it feels like. I know, rationally, that it is a lie, because I have done some things. For example I have changed the tag for a field in one of our forms (it asked “Can the candidate hold his breath for 45 minutes?”, we figured that the “minutes” bit might just possibly have been a typo). And some other things. I have certainly done a lot less than I ideally should have, but I have done things. It just doesn’t feel that way. It feels like I’ve stared dumbly at the screen for most of the day, rather than for a few seconds (or possibly minutes) every time someone distracted me.

However, the day is about to get better. My father’s in town, so, naturally, we’re meeting at The Dubliner in an hour and a bit. That is a very cheering thought. Now let’s see if I can manage to do something constructive (like actually fix a bug or two) before I pack up. Doubtful, but I will have a go.

Voice in my head: Chris Rea – Auberge (the accompanying video happens to be one of my all-time favourites – I don’t know much of the song, though: “Speak up, Chris – I can’t hear you on the verses…”)